FAR OUT #94 ~ Rolf Potts on Vagabonding: Going through Life as a Pilgrim, not a Consumer

Episode Description

Perhaps no other travel book has had such an influence on our generation as Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel by Rolf Potts. Indeed, it was the book which opened Alasdair's eyes to the possibilities and freedom of long-term travel at the beginning of his journey in 2014.

Vagabond, an old latin-derived term referring to a wanderer with no fixed home, is a word that Rolf's work has elevated to encapsulate a way of life for travelers ever since 2002.

In his book, Rolf provides an incredibly useful and relevant guide for approaching long-term travel while also laying out an uncommon outlook on life that emphasizes the virtues of wandering, simplifying, taking it slow, living intentionally and truly experiencing where we are. As such, the philosophy Rolf writes about is as relevant (if not more) in our post-pandemic world as when it was originally written.

We invited Rolf on the show to talk about vagabonding as a way of life, its virtues and the things that most commonly get in the way.

Let's get into it!

Listen and explore:

  • What is vagabonding?

  • Vagabonding during the pandemic

  • What it means to be time-rich and time-poor

  • The value of drifting

  • Shifting from an achievement mindset to an appreciation mindset

  • Going from a possession life to an option-filled life

  • Vagabonding as a route to self-discovery

  • Letting go of expectations and goals and embracing serendipity

  • Where Rolf finds himself now after 26 years of vagabonding

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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