FAR OUT #93 ~ Embracing a Life of Movement and Stillness

Episode Description

For a lot of our lives we've experienced movement and stillness as ways of being that are mutually exclusive.

Travel has helped us see these two postures toward life as complimentary, combining to create something greater than their parts.

In this episode we explore the qualities and virtues of movement and stillness, the Western malady of busyness, what it means to create a life that embraces both attitudes and some of the challenges we've encountered in attempting to do so.

Let's get into it!

Listen and explore:

  • The power of moving

  • The power of being still

  • How busyness disconnects us from the benefits of true stillness and true movement

  • The ways travel has helped us work with stillness and movement

  • Creating a life that doesn’t see these two postures as either/or but both/and

  • The spiritual practice of listening for and learning to go with life’s flow

  • Inertia, Resistance and the challenge of transitions

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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