FAR OUT #95 ~ Birth is Not a Medical Event, It’s a Sacred Portal: Changing our Narrative About Birth with Emilee Saldaya

Episode Description

What if women chose to stay home to give birth?

That's the radical question that's sparked a global movement. As the leader of the Free Birth Society, Emilee Saldaya is working to change our Western narrative of birth and remind us what birth is all about.

Emilee joins us on the show to talk about the untold risks and man-made trauma of birthing in our current medical system and why a woman-centered birth is so critically important for a healthy mother-baby, healthy families and a healthy society.

Let's get into it!

Listen and explore:

  • Birth as a rite of passage and a vehicle for transformation

  • How birth makes or breaks us

  • Why a woman-centered birth affects everything

  • The unexamined risks of birthing in captivity

  • What happens at a hospital birth

  • The problem with licensed midwifery

  • Why a natural birth is not possible outside of your home

  • The ways we teach woman not to trust their instincts from an early age

  • What kind of elder do you want to be?

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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