FAR OUT #183 ~ Homecoming
We're back and are enjoying summer in the Pacific Northwest. We discuss the deep psychic change it has been to move into a home after nearly a decade on the road and explore the question of what it means to truly belong to a place. We share an update on the future for Dorothy, our beloved truck camper.
![[Repost] FAR OUT #117 ~ This is Not the FAR OUT Couple](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279704060-XIHOF6XGN2OP33Q9SHX2/episode+117+pic.jpg)
[Repost] FAR OUT #117 ~ This is Not the FAR OUT Couple
[Repost] Our friends and long time listeners Kelly and Lou take over the podcast this week and interview us. It was a lot of fun (and a little strange) to be on the other side of the mic for a change!
![[Repost] FAR OUT #54 ~ How we Prevent Life from Getting too Good](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279711009-1WN1JG6XUXHYQBCCKPZI/episode+54+pic.jpg)
[Repost] FAR OUT #54 ~ How we Prevent Life from Getting too Good
[Repost] Our friends and long time listeners Kelly and Lou take over the podcast this week and interview us. It was a lot of fun (and a little strange) to be on the other side of the mic for a change!
![[Repost] FAR OUT #97 ~ Your Body is not the Obstacle, It's the Way: Will Johnson on the Posture of Meditation](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279708505-TYXQ5DVBX4QGOXD1H3S3/episode+97+pic.png)
[Repost] FAR OUT #97 ~ Your Body is not the Obstacle, It's the Way: Will Johnson on the Posture of Meditation
[Repost] Sitting is the core activity of most meditation practices, yet very little time is spent talking about exactly how we should sit.
Today, we bring Will Johnson, author of The Posture of Meditation, on the show to discuss why our posture might be the most important part of meditation, connecting to our somatic experience, what happens when we channel the force of gravity instead of resist it, the relationship between meditation and plant medicines, and so (so!) much more.
Tune in for a mind-blowing and insightful conversation with a genuinely inspiring elder!
![[Repost] FAR OUT #4 ~ The Art of Work](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279710409-QOITTFJEKWUMRDW0V7ZZ/episode+4+pic.png)
[Repost] FAR OUT #4 ~ The Art of Work
[Repost] Alasdair and Julie-Roxane discuss Jeff Goins' book, The Art of Work, and how they think about work these days.
![[Repost] FAR OUT #34 ~ Reclaiming my Body: Going off Birth Control](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279706595-P6NSRUJGKE89J8XVE0U4/episode+34+pic.png)
[Repost] FAR OUT #34 ~ Reclaiming my Body: Going off Birth Control
[Repost] JR and Alasdair discuss birth control. JR shares her story going off birth control, why she did it and how the process went and Alasdair and her share what they use now to prevent pregnancy, as well as their thoughts on hormones, birth control and the power that comes with knowledge and self-awareness.
![[Repost] FAR OUT #45 ~ The Art of Creative Waiting](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279710894-45HI9GLT75FAZQ86NSV6/episode+45+pic.png)
[Repost] FAR OUT #45 ~ The Art of Creative Waiting
[Repost] Alasdair and Julie-Roxane explore the Brother's Grimm fairy tale of Little Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty) and what it can teach us about personal transformation.
![[Repost] FAR OUT #72 ~ Don't Ask 'Why Me?' Ask 'For What?' with Mayan Entrepreneur Anita Cortez Chac](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279712306-RPX73GW5CSEO49ATCVLH/episode+72+pic.png)
[Repost] FAR OUT #72 ~ Don't Ask 'Why Me?' Ask 'For What?' with Mayan Entrepreneur Anita Cortez Chac
[Repost] Anita is a force to be reckoned with. She began her business career at eight after she sold her first banana to a gringo on the streets of San Pedro and she's never looked back. In her early twenties she walked away from a life that had no place for her in it, becoming a single mother and an outcast. Anita shares her journey through adversity and how it has made her who she is today: a successful female role model who's mission is to improve the very community that once shunned her. Both uplifting and heartbreaking, her story gives a window into what it was like to grow up as a Mayan woman in a small town in Guatemala. Its a story you don't want to miss.
![[Repost] FAR OUT #19 ~ The Story of How we Met (Part 2)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279705253-2THTA8YQFQRTO4AFBLQB/episode+19+pic.png)
[Repost] FAR OUT #19 ~ The Story of How we Met (Part 2)
[Repost] Alasdair and Julie-Roxane share the second part of their “how we met” story. They explore their vision of love and how they think about their relationship.
![[Repost] FAR OUT #16 ~ The Story of How we Met](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/66a7e700d3656315ef808b16/1722279702156-MUNAGTA93COT69AASHYA/episode+16+pic.png)
[Repost] FAR OUT #16 ~ The Story of How we Met
[Repost] Alasdair and Julie-Roxane reminisce about their travels and how their journeys intertwined when Alasdair asked Julie-Roxane if she was Costa Rican in a chai shop in India.

FAR OUT #182 ~ The Only Sane Response to an Insane Situation
We're taking a two-month summer break from the podcast! We'll be back in September :) We explore the fears that visit us on the path we're choosing for ourselves and draw inspiration from the way of the bodhisattva.

FAR OUT #181 ~ It’s Not a Problem, It’s a F*cking Growth Opportunity
We're finally moving out of the truck camper! We share where we're moving and how it came about. This leads into a discussion about how one of the keys to solving complex problems is being willing to stay with them longer.
FAR OUT #180 ~ The Way of the Spiritual Warrior
We discuss the value of podcasting weekly for almost four years, avoiding burnout, different stages of growing a business, keeping a daily practice and cultivating the qualities of a warrior (rather than a soldier) in all aspects of our life.
FAR OUT #179 ~ Sacred Space, Mythological Thinking & Alchemical Transformation
We explore our working definition of the alchemical process and how it shows up in the ritual spaces we hold.
FAR OUT #178 ~ Don’t Become the Best, Become the Only
Julie-Roxane shares what it was like to drink ayahuasca with her mom. Alasdair and Julie-Roxane explore the value in using different metaphors for our life's work like work as a territory rather than a hierarchy. They discuss the multiplier effect, curiosity as a divine spirit and the loneliness we must grapple with when embracing our soul's work.

FAR OUT #177 ~ When to Trade in Freedom for Efficiency
Freshly fueled by cacao, your cohosts discuss when it makes sense in the entrepreneurial journey to question old choices and trade in freedom for efficiency. They discuss the apparent lack of free will in living an aligned life and the difficult work we must do to even be able to recognize when we are living out of alignment.
FAR OUT #176 ~ How to Pursue the Adventure of Your Life
Fresh off leading back-to-back retreats, Alasdair and Julie-Roxane reflect on the energetic workout retreats offer, why they are so powerful, the demands of holding alchemical containers, and the ways they see their work evolving.

FAR OUT #175 ~ If If You Want Wealth, Create It for Others
Alasdair's self-described "fall from grace" has the Far Out couple musing on the archetype of the generative king. They discuss apprenticeship and what they've seen as the most effective way to establish oneself in a new vocation that may otherwise be hard to enter and some of the pitfalls that can occur.

FAR OUT #174 ~ Listen to Your Body, Not Dogma
We talk about our recent experimentation with diet and why these days we are very careful to avoid "diet theory" and try to focus on what our body says. This leads into a broader discussion on the dangers of dogma and identifying ourselves with an ideology.
FAR OUT #173 ~ You Gotta Want Help to Get Help
We discuss the stages we go through before and after we realize we need to ask for help, the process of finding help, what to look for when hiring expertise, and other things that come up when we realize we can't go it alone.