FAR OUT #177 ~ When to Trade in Freedom for Efficiency
Summary: Freshly fueled by cacao, your cohosts discuss when it makes sense in the entrepreneurial journey to question old choices and trade in freedom for efficiency. They discuss the apparent lack of free will in living an aligned life and the difficult work we must do to even be able to recognize when we are living out of alignment.
Mentioned on this episode:
Upcoming Offerings:
July 5-12: Wild Within Yosemite: Initiation
July 19-26: Wild Within Yosemite: Advanced
Oct 6-9: Pennsylvania: Communitas
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Discount link to purchase organic, raw ceremonial-grade cacao ethically sourced in Guatemala (a portion of proceeds support this podcast)
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Website: www.thefarout.life
Email us at info@thefarout.life
Wild Within @ www.thewildwithin.org
Intro music: "Complicate ya" by Otis McDonald
Outro music: "Running with wise fools" written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)
Podcast photo taken on a recent walk on the Washington side of the Columbia River