FAR OUT #82 ~ Wading Through the Chaos: Update from our Lives

Episode Description

While the individual circumstances of our lives differ, Change is challenging for all of us.

Collectively, we're going through a lot of change right now. The world has seemingly turned upside down, revealing assumptions we've made about how the world works that are now proving problematic.

We share our recent move and some of the assumptions in our life and work that we're now questioning and how we're dealing with these challenging times.

Listen and explore:

  • Where we moved to and why

  • Alasdair’s creative idea for our new recording studio

  • How Brexit & the pandemic are effecting us as an international couple and where home is for us now

  • How the pandemic has impacted our business over at RippleOut Retreats

  • Chaos and the temptation to “wait things out”

  • How we approach crisis is key to building robust businesses and lives

  • What is life asking us?

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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