FAR OUT #79 ~ Via Negativa: The Road to the Good Life

Episode Description

On this episode we talk about the ancient art of the negative way, and how removing things has been a major part of the life we live today. We explore why this approach which has been commonly used in wisdom traditions to approach God, is also an effective and practical way for approaching your ideal life---whatever that is.

It might seem strange to suggest that such a negative approach might lead to major positive change. It's certainly not what our mainstream culture would have us believe.

In the second half of the show, Alasdair and Julie-Roxane share some of the big and small things they've given up over the last ten years. You might be surprised!

Listen and explore:

  • The business of selling change and how not be a sucker

  • The major (but often invisible) upside of limiting the downside

  • Why focusing on what you want to remove is such a practical approach to realizing a better life

  • Unforeseen complications or “side effects” are just effects you don’t want

  • Some of the things Alasdair & Julie-Roxane have removed from their lives over the years

  • Why your job is to focus on the “what” and the “why”

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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