FAR OUT #78 ~ Exploring Ayahuasca: A Month Later (Episode 3)

Episode Description

What's shifted for Alasdair and Julie-Roxane since their week-long ayahuasca retreat last month? Turns out quite a bit.

In the 3rd episode of our Exploring Ayahuasca series we explore a question we find ourselves wondering quite a lot: what is the lasting impact of working with ayahuasca?

Just like any other practice, a major aspect of working with Ayahuasca is integration. How do we bring what we're learning into the larger arena of our everyday lives?

We grapple with some of the experiences and insights that have stayed with us since our retreat and explore how they've influenced our day to day lives.

Let's get into it!

Listen and explore:

  • Learning how to purge

  • “Getting sick” vs. “getting well”

  • Tuning into the wisdom of our bodies

  • What JR’s shadow told Alasdair

  • What ayahuasca told JR when she asked about the future

  • How our relationship has changed since working with ayahuasca

  • The surprising spirit who visited JR during ceremony

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


FAR OUT #79 ~ Via Negativa: The Road to the Good Life


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