FAR OUT #68 ~ You are NOT the Average of the Five People You Spend the Most Time With

Episode Description

A little truth is a dangerous thing. On this episode we explore how the popular idea that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with can actually blind us from realizing our potential and living fulfilling, abundant lives.

Listen and explore:

  • Why the words we choose matter

  • How this popular trope might ring more true for extraverts than introverts

  • How this slogan can mislead us in the search for our gifts

  • What makes this idea particularly toxic for building true community

  • The hidden assumptions underlying this slogan and why it leaves little room for the feminine way of life

  • The narrow idea of success this popular motto promotes and what it suggests about the health of our society

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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