FAR OUT #131 ~ Being a Foreigner in a Foreign Land: The Journey of Immigrating

Episode Description

Julie-Roxane shares her experience living between two cultures and what it's been like to leave her mother country and formally start the process of immigrating to a foreign land.

Listen and explore:

  • Julie-Roxane’s early relationship with U.S. culture

  • The sense of destiny Julie-Roxane has experienced with the U.S. and the English language

  • The challenges Julie-Roxane has faced immigrating to the U.S.

  • What it’s been like to have one life in France and another in the U.S.

  • The questions of identity that have come up while immigrating

  • The fear of forgetting one’s roots and being forgotten

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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