FAR OUT #87 ~ Exploring Ayahuasca: 1500+ Ceremonies Later, Shaman Zach Poitra’s Journey (Episode 5)

Episode Description

We continue our deep dive into ayahuasca and plant medicine this week by inviting our friend and shaman, Zach Poitra on the show.

What Zach does is hard to put into words...that's just the nature of his work. But we can say this from experience: it's incredibly powerful.

On this episode Zach shares his journey from stockbroker in the USA to four and a half years in the jungle's of Peru to ayahuasca facilitator in Guatemala. Along the way we explore the spirituality of ayahuasca, some of the challenges and pitfalls along the path and the hard work of integration.

Listen and explore:

  • How Zach ended up in the jungle drinking ayahuasca 3-6 times per week for four and a half years

  • What is ayahuasca? How does it work?

  • Why Zach has issues with the shaman label

  • How ayahuasca, spirituality and physical and emotional healing are all interconnected

  • Methods for integrating an ayahuasca experience and why it’s so important

  • What exactly is the job of an ayahuasca facilitator?

  • Avoiding the trans-rational fallacy after experiencing ayahuasca

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


FAR OUT #88 ~ Exploring Ayahuasca: Shaman Zach Poitra on the Path of Pura Medicina (Episode 6)


FAR OUT #86 ~ Rest as a Revolutionary Act