FAR OUT #73 ~ The Introvert/Extrovert Divide

Episode Description

The current self-isolation is challenging for everyone, but we get the feeling it's been a bit harder on extraverts. We explore the major differences between extroverts and introverts, why it's useful to understand and how it helps us bridge the extrovert/introvert gap and truly connect with ourselves and others.

Listen and explore:

  • What’s happening to extraverts all over the world right now

  • The introvert/extrovert divide and why it matters

  • How understanding these two traits can be a revolution in self-understanding

  • The costly risks of not being aware of the introvert/extrovert divide

  • How understanding this divide can foster a deeper appreciation for our diversity and lead to much more rewarding relationships

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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