FAR OUT #27 ~ Are We Afraid of Being Dragged Back Into the System?
Episode Description
Julie-Roxane and Alasdair explore a question that was recently posed to Julie-Roxane while being interviewed on a friend's podcast. And as many good questions do, this one leads to a whole bunch more questions.
***Listen to this episode and explore: ***
4.08 Life update: Experimenting with a different work schedule
6.14 Life update: Rocky Racoon
8.25 An interesting question
11.56 The short answers
11.24 What’s the alternative?
16.00 The power of momentum
17.22 The Work of integration
18.57 What do we mean by ‘System’?
22.57 ‘Conventional Living’
32.23 The kid question
34.40 The French vs US system
39.10 More success, less freedom?
46.40 Creating intellectual roots
59.28 Forgetting it’s all a game
1.01.11 The power of mindfulness
1.04.25 What does success mean?
Mentioned in this episode:
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Intro music: "Complicate ya" by Otis McDonald
Outro music: "Running with wise fools" written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)