FAR OUT #159 ~ Leading Retreats in Guatemala in the Times of Omicron: A Recap

Episode Description

We sit down with Kelly, our friend and co-founder of Wild Within, to discuss the recent craziness and lessons learned after leading two powerful retreats on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala during a COVID surge.

Summary: We sit down with Kelly, our friend and co-founder of Wild Within, to discuss the recent craziness and lessons learned after leading two powerful retreats on Lake Atitlan, in Guatemala during a COVID surge. 

Listen and explore:

  • What it was like leading a 20-person, week long New Year’s retreat and a 13-person Kambo retreat in Guatemala

  • The challenges leading up to and on retreat

  • Alasdair throws three vertebrae out of alignment on the second day of the retreat

  • The experience on retreat as a facilitator vs. a participant

  • The importance of setting the space and holding space

  • The surprising results we are seeing from our cacao ceremonies

  • The power of travel as a consciousness-expanding tool

  • The importance for a team to know what they are in service of

  • Viewing Wild Within as a multi-layered platform for change

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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