FAR OUT #148 ~ Going Our Separate Ways

Episode Description

We reflect on the different stages of our relationship and the stage we find ourselves being called to embrace.


Listen and explore:

  • Updates: Experiments with a keto diet and our first dedicated medicine space!

  • Marriage is like a base camp from which we can climb our own peaks

  • How relationships can cramp our ability to grow and ways we’ve noticed that occurring in our own relationship

  • Crutching, spider traps and other dangerous energy patterns to be aware of in relationship

  • Some of the forces moving us to spend more time apart

  • Julie-Roxane’s experience spending more time apart

  • Alasdair’s experience spending more time apart

  • The importance of spiritual practices and a sangha for working with energy patterns that no longer serve us

  • A spiritual partnership is one where the relationship catalyzes and supports each others continued growth

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


FAR OUT #149 ~ Narwhals, Wilderness & 10 Years of Burning Man with Ian Q. Rowan


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