FAR OUT #135 ~ What is Your Restorative Niche?
Episode Description
Restorative niches (a term we borrowed from Susan Cain) can help us all be more effective, improve the quality of our day-to-day lives and allow us to regularly go beyond the normal limits of our personality.
Photo taken by Alasdair in the Caucasus mountains in Georgia (the country).
Listen and explore:
A brief summary of extraversion and introversion
You are not an ambivert
The extravert bias in our Western culture and what this means for introverts
Hiding in the restroom as an introvert during a business conference
Self-awareness and approaching situations based on your personality preferences
What is a restorative niche? Why can we all benefit from them?
Alasdair’s and Julie-Roxane’s restorative niches at work and home
Self-care means being a friend to yourself
Julie-Roxane flashes Alasdair on the podcast
Mentioned on this episode:
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Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald
Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)