FAR OUT #126 ~ Exploring Ayahuasca: Shamanic Dietas – When Soul is Present, Nature is Alive (Episode 9)

Episode Description

After just ending our own shamanic dieta with cacao, we discuss what dieta is, why it's such a foundational practice for working with ayahuasca and the impact dietas have had on our lives over the past year.

Listen and explore:

  • Upcoming Kambo inoculations, retreats and workshops

  • What is a shamanic dieta?

  • Why shamanic dietas are foundational for students of ayahuasca

  • Plants we’ve dieted

  • The powerful benefits we’ve experienced from dieta

  • What it means to open up a relationship with a plant

  • The Anima Mundi and seeing the world as ensouled

  • The difference between soul and spirit

  • Alasdair sees Brad Pitt’s face in an oak tree

  • Growing roots as well as branches: how the practice of dieta has healed and strengthened us

Mentioned on this episode:

Featured image is of cacao beans (photo credit).

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  • Intro music: “Complicate ya” by Otis McDonald

  • Outro music: “Running with wise fools” written & performed by Krackatoa (www.krackatoa.com)


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